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Think Smart

How To Spend Your Summer Vacation

Ah the beginning of the summer vacation! When long, sunny days stretch before you with promises of laughter and joy. You make no end of plans for the holidays. But most often than not, boredom will set in and you will find yourself plopped up on your bed at 11.30 a.m. vacantly staring into space wondering just what you can do to keep yourself occupied! The ideas given in this article may help you if you ever find yourself in this situation.


Use the free time you get to make the lives of the less fortunate more beautiful. You can volunteer at a local school and teach the kids there a subject you know and love. You can coach their sporting teams (if you are good in sports of course!) or get involved in beach cleaning projects. You can do something that will help make a difference in someone’s life. It really doesn’t have to be a major project.


Yes you have read thousands of books (more or less, maybe a little less!) during the school term and you are yearning to give your eyes a little rest. But stimulate your brain during the idle days by borrowing a few interesting books from the library and you really will not regret it. You can read romantic novels or serious self-help books, whatever pleases your fancy. Don’t bother reading your text books if taking break is what you want to do. Use this time to pursue reading as a hobby as you will have very little time for that once school starts.

Learn a new hobby

Put your creative skills to the test during your break and learn some new arts and crafts. You can look for sewing thimbles for sale and start learning the interesting art of embroidery. You can work around the house and build some pieces of furniture that your family can use (enlist the assistance of an adult when trying on major projects). Really, there is no end to the activities and hobbies that you can enjoy during the summer vacation.

You will be able to find thimbles for sale online which will make it easier for you. The equipment and tools needed to build little pieces of furniture will most likely be found in your shed. There is no need to go all out and invest in big tools and accessories when pursuing a new hobby. Just use what you already have!

Get yourself a job

If working inside the house doesn’t appeal to you, maybe you can consider working outside the house? You can get yourself a job at an office that has positions vacant in the line of work that you hope to get into once you graduate, and do an internship. This will make your CV look attractive too and of course, help you earn and save some money! Have a fruitful vacation!
